大師分析/北馬防守能力強 葡萄牙組織能力佔優


北馬其頓後衛Ezdjan Alioski:「我們不想擾亂C羅的人生,但我們的球隊會夢想成真」。

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北馬其頓全國關注這次有可能在世界盃登場的機會,總理Dimitar Kovacevski提出激勵國家隊方案。踢進世界盃會內賽,每位球員將獲得50萬歐元的獎勵。而葡萄牙Bernardo Silva則非常明確地指出,我們將在卡達參加世界盃。由此可知,這將是一場高張力的比賽。



在進攻轉換時,北馬其頓具攻擊能力的球員,會參與進攻。但邊路的防守球員則較少參與,這會是決定進攻寛度與深度的條件。球員會運用個人盤帶球技術來突圍。突破成功時,進攻區的隊友會對角跑位進入中央區域,增加對方中後衛防守難度。對義大利的進球功臣Alex Trajkovsk,就具有這樣能力,尤其是當他持球行動時。在進攻時,即便是少數的射門機會,球員都具有強烈的射門慾望(上場比賽,4次射門,即2次射中目標)。

北馬其頓在進攻組織上,三名中場球員上前支援進攻,Arijan Ademi留在防守中場位置,以防萬一。Blagoja Milevski期望自己帶領的球隊,以堅固的定位性進攻組織為主,而非一直向前發動攻擊。大多數的時候,以Milan Ristovski為發動進攻的目標人物 (長球或直接傳向Milan Ristovski)。在防守轉換成進攻時,會在後防位置保持人數優勢,以降低被對手反擊的風險。


基於上場賽事後防的問題,Pepe 與 João Cancelo二名球員的回歸,能成為葡萄牙防守陣容的強力後盾。Danilo Perreia可能被安排在防守中場位置,提供第一手阻斷對手的作用,João Moutinho能為球隊提供平衡與控制比賽節奏,這二名球員可能同時被安排在中場位置。

在進攻組織上,葡萄牙會以定位性組織為主,並維持二名中場與一名防守中場的防守結構。左右邊後衛上前參與攻擊,加大進攻寛度,使參與進攻球員能有多變的行動。在前場進攻區域,Diogo Jota攻擊路線具有深度,能在中後衛背後空間與左右開放空間活躍,牽動對方防守線退至門前位置。Bernardo Silva則活躍在中央區域,以破壞對方中後衛位置平衡,不論是持球,邊路至中央突破行動,並配合João Cancelo的攻擊行動。在中央區域,Fernando Santos可擔任第二前峰或進攻中場。


在防守轉換進攻方面,在後場區域重新取得控球權後,葡萄牙球員會試著往對方中後衛的背後空間發動進攻,並創造對進攻有利的活動空間與好的射門條件。在定位球部分,北馬其頓採用混合防守,在人盯人防守有絕對的優勢 (2名防守球員採區域防守,其餘球員進行盯人防守) ,葡萄牙在定位球會針對這項條件,來採取對自己有利的戰術 。

目前效力義乙Parma俱樂部 38歳的Pandev已不再為國家隊效力,現在Elif Elmas與效力於Levante俱樂部的Enis Bardhi會是北馬其頓的主要核心球員。

António Barbosa曾執教泰羅芬斯體育會(CD Trofense)、巴爾辛(Varzim SC)、法馬利康U23(FC Famalicão)總教練
Pedro Bezerra曾執教科英布拉大學足球會(Académica Coimbra)助理教練、歷索斯體育(Leixões Sport Club)助理教練


lay off or play on?

“We don’t want to ruin Ronaldo’s life, but we want to make our dream come true” – Ezdjan Alioski

North Macedonia is looking to make its debut in a World Cup and Dimitar Kovacevski, the prime minister of the North Macedonia government, made a point of moralizing and encouraging the national team’s players, to the game with Portugal. “What you have done is the result of a lot of work. It was decided by the government that you will have a prize of 500 thousand euros if you qualify for the World Cup. Good luck.”

For Bernardo Silva it is clear “We know very well that we have to be in Qatar”.

From the information expressed, it will be an intense match.

On the one hand, the dream of reaching Babylon, on the other hand, the obligation of those who won many times and many trophies (the smaller that became big).

North Macedonia is 67th in the FIFA ranking, behind teams with lesser influence in the world such as Albania or Jamaica, it has an estimated market value of 64.74 million euros, but in their group of the play-off access to the World Cup in Qatar they eliminated the all-powerful Italy and they are in Portugal to discuss access to the 2022 World Cup. The North Macedonia team, during the regular qualifying phase, won with a historic 2-1 victory in Germany in Group J of the qualifying phase, where it finished in second place. This selection has very consolidated defensive processes, the result of time working together, establishing a strong connection between players and coach, together since 2015.

North Macedonia has a strong defensive commitment and intentionality in the process, for example in the last game, Italy managed to achieve a clear goal situation in the 28th minute, only. Until then the Italians did not have the space and time to conquer the Macedonian players’ back which was decisive for North Macedonia’s excellent game. Its game is based on the high number of players in the defensive moment in the most back sectors. In the last game they had 64% of the time without possession of the ball. Against Portugal it will not be different. In their defensive line, the central defenders are fast, looking for anticipation of the moves and allowing situations of 1×1 and 2×2, in the central corridor and in the last sector of the North Macedonian defense.

In the offensive transition, there is a greater participation of the most offensive players, and the players of the defensive sector, namely the lateral ones, have little participation. There is a detriment of the width or offensive depth. In the first moment, the players try to use the individual technical resources, dribbling, driving, to overcome the first barrier of pressure from the opponents. When they can do so, the players in the more offensive sector often perform opposite diagonals in the central corridor, making the work difficult for the opposing central defenders. A player who has a strong participation now is the man of the goal against Italy, Alex Trajkovsk, for both the intensity of his game and for his individual actions with the ball. The team has a strong intention to finish the offensive process, even if they do so few times (in the last game, they shot 4 times and only 2 times on goal).

North Macedonia, in an offensive organization, favors the departure of three players with midfielder Ademi staying in the middle of the centre-backs, avoiding risky situations. The coach Blagoja Milevski himself does not want the team to go up on the pitch, favoring solid organization at the expense of the quality of positional play. His outings with a long ball or direct play look for Milan Ristovski.

In the defensive transition, they expose themselves to reduced risk that usually happens in an offensive team. Always looking for to have numerical superiority and positional advantage in its defense against the opponent’s counterattack.

The return of Pepe and João Cancelo may help to solidify the Portuguese team and in particular the defensive line, which at certain moments of the last game had difficulties. These players can help raise the quality of game. Knowing the clear intention of a more direct game of North Macedonia, Danilo may be placed as a defensive midfielder in order to dispute the first ball. João Moutinho may give balance and the ability to control the rhythms of the game and fundamentally accelerate the game. The Portuguese team will even be able to play with both players in midfield at the same time.

In offensive organization Portugal should look for the supported positional game leaving a more fixed defensive block formed by two central defenders and a defensive midfielder. The offensive width is given by the right and left defenders and the attackers can vary the position. In the offensive sector, Diogo Jota plays more vertically, attacking the backs of the central defenders in inside and in depth right and left, dragging the opposing defensive line for areas closer to the goal, and Bernardo Silva should play more in interior areas trying to unbalance the opposing central defender, as his positioning or penetration movement coming from the wing to the inside and attacking the central zone to the goal, taking advantage of João Cancelo’s offensive intensity. In the offensive space, in particular, in the central zone, Fernando Santos will be able to play with a second striker or an attacking midfielder.

The defensive transition will be a critical moment for Portugal to control the game.

The defensive organization, in some moments of the game, of Portuguese team can invite the opponent to play a supported game in order to force the error.

In this match, the option for a taller and stronger defensive midfielder could be a strong option given the number of times that the opponent can play directly in attack.

In offensive transition, mainly after regaining possession of the ball in defensive zones, Portugal will be able to explore the space in the back of the central defenders and create privileged spaces for assistance or shooting in good conditions of success.

In the free kick balls, the fact that the Macedonian team defends in a mixed way but with a great predominance of man-to-man marking (two players defending the zone and the rest defending individually) can be a point in Portugal’s favor given the quality of the free kick markers and potential headers.

As Pandev, who is now 38 years old and plays for Italian Serie B Parma, said goodbye to his national team, Elmas is now the main reference for the North Macedonians, along with the creative midfielder Enis Bardhi, who plays for Levante.
